just doing my thing
About Me

So who the heck is this guy anyway?
And that guy is me, Ricky…hi
And yes, that’s me in the middle over there. Blue shirt, white trainers…pretending to be cool. I was in Spain last summer, and the others in the picture are friends of mine who also work remotely from their laptops. Two of them were in fact students of mine, happily living a better way of life thanks to a handful of skills that I teach.
The thing is, I love to travel. And that is exactly why I learned a set of skills over 12 years ago that I knew would afford me this way of living. I didn’t just want to be financially better off – I needed to be able to work from anywhere and have plenty of time to enjoy myself; time rich, as Tim Ferris so nicely put it (The 4hr Work Week). Travelling around, making new friends, experiencing new cultures, and doing the work that I love…these are not just hobbies of mine, these are my passions.
For the past 12 years, I have been mastering my skills and perfecting my craft; skills which I consider to be the lifeblood of any business. As well as applying what I have learnt to my own successful businesses (friendlyturtle.com & betterlifedesign.com to name a few), I also provide these same services to clients and other businesses through this website right here as well as my SEO and digital marketing agency at upslice.co.uk.
I love to build beautiful, modern websites, and I love to drive free traffic to them from the search engines and paid traffic to them from all other channels. This is my bread and butter; this is what I enjoy the most, and this is also what I love to teach.
Today, I manage 7 blogs, 1 e-commerce business, and two agencies. Luckily for me, I have a cracking team who help me out with a lot of these so that I can focus on delivering client results and developing my teaching platform so that others can enjoy creating a life that they fill content, happy and fulfilled with – a life which they have always dreamed of.
Whether you want to hire my services to catapult your new or existing business success, or you want to learn and grow your own skills so you can create a better life for yourself, then I would love to be the one to help you out.
a set of skills to advance your earnings
I set up my learning platform to each a very specific set of processes and skills that can help you create your own freedom, however ‘freedom’ looks to you. Freedom can look like many different things to many different people;
- Free from financial worries and contraints
- Free from a boss, and to work for yourself
- Free to work whenever you want, on your own schedule
- Free to work from where you want, with just a laptop and internet connection
By learning to build websites, you can flip a business idea into a functioning website overnight that can start generating an additional income for you. Or you can build websites for clients and earn an additional revenue stream this way. This one skill alone has allowed me to flip any idea into something tangible with ease, and I believe any budding business owner or entrepreneur should have this under their belt.
You can learn to build and grow a blog into a revenue-generating asset so you can reach all of those freedoms you have been trying to acquire for so long. You can learn how to drive traffic to a website for you to monetise, and you can learn how to build, grow and nurture an email list so that it’s primed for monetisation.
These are all skills that I not only find success with for clients, but for success with within all of my own businesses, blogs and websites. I can help you achieve your own set of freedoms too, so you can start working on creating a life that you have always dreamed of.